Research Institute Director at ETI and Clinical Director at
Family Psychology Centre

Dr. Mirisse Foroughe 

Dr. Mirisse Foroughe is the Research Institute Director at ETI and the Clinical Director at Family Psychology Centre.

Dr. Foroughe works with families, youth and adolescents, and parents for many reasons. Some want to strengthen their bonds, improve their ability to express their emotions or resolve challenges that have surfaced.

Dr. Foroughe specializes in family-based therapy, parent-child relationship restoration, emotion transformation in psychotherapy, and emotion centered therapy for youths.

Dr. Foroughe’s Research Interests

  • Emotion transformation

  • Nonverbal and behavioural markers of emotional processing

  • Emotion Focused Therapy for Youth (EFT-Y)

  • Family therapy, reconciliation, and repair of emotional wounds between family members

  • Parent-child dyadic therapy

  • Parent empowerment

She has over 20 years of experience in providing assessments and treatment to children, adolescents, caregivers, and families.

She has expertise in the following areas:

More About Dr. Foroughe

After completing her Master’s degree in Health Psychology, Dr. Foroughe completed a doctorate in Clinical-Developmental Psychology at York University.

She has trained at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto District School Board, and Sick Kids Centre for Community Mental Health (formerly the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre).

She was Ontario’s first full-time Child and Family Psychologist in a Family Health Team. She provided primary care to children, adolescents, and families alongside colleagues in medicine and allied health.

Dr. Foroughe directs the Emotion Transformation Institute and oversees clinical services at the Family Psychology Centre, where she provides training and supervision to the clinical team.

Dr. Foroughe has received numerous awards and accolades for her work, including the OPA Ruth Berman Early Career Psychologist Award, the CPA 2017 PFC Innovative Service Award, and the OPA 2019 Harvey T. Brooker Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching.

She holds Adjunct Faculty positions with York University and University of Waterloo. And she is also an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor for OISE at
the University of Toronto.

Check out her practice